Sunday, January 16, 2011

there are a lot of places i like

but I like New Orleans better. - Bob Dylan

The sites, the sounds, the food, the people, the stories, the architecture, the river. I love it. New Orleans has always had a certain mystique, a certain pull on me that has only grown stronger over time. There's something about that place that makes my soul feel a little bit at rest. It's as if the unspoken invitation it offers is to come as you are, and sit down and stay a while. At least, that's how I perceive it. It's a place that knows its flaws and still celebrates. And asks you to join. I can buy into that.

Our group spent the week priming, trimming, caulking, and scraping at what will soon be a artist studio for neighborhood residents. The work was productive and the fellowship was sweet. We got to explore the city, go the a Hornets basketball game, listen to good jazz, watch the U-Singers (from UVA) perform, eat good food, and spend time with a few folks from Redeemer Pres, all of whom were great and gave VERY convincing arguments as to why every single person should move there at their earliest opportunity.

All in all, it was a good trip. Even the 16 hour car ride on Thursday. And that's saying something.

And, it's good to be back

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