Monday, June 13, 2011

here we go. again.

This big, white box with its constantly blinking cursor haunts me.

There's just so much I want to tell you....about last year, about my hopes for next year, etc. The school year has come to a close. It's over. And that was the end of the 2nd year of my internship. By God's grace (seriously), I fulfilled my 2 year commitment. And so begins my 3rd year.

This absolutely was not in my plan at the beginning of this gig. I entered being dead-set on physical therapy school and will be leaving (Lord-willing) bound for seminary to get a counseling degree. I entered into an RUF full of strangers, and will be leaving.....well, not yet. And because we're getting another girl intern here (HOO-RAY), I'll get to spend all of my time with the older girls. I'll probably spend a good bit of that time marveling that they are in fact the "older girls" now. I have no concept of what it means to be a parent. None at all.

So you should know that by now that I absolutely love my job. And I'm not using that as a blanket statement so I can now tell you all of the crappy things about it. I mean that, as you see, the trajectory of my life has been altered from its original plan because of it. I love working in ministry, and the places I get to do that, UVA and Charlottesville, are so dear to me. This year has been especially vital in helping me to realize both of these things. It certainly had it's ups and downs. At times it was flying by, and at others it was going painfully slow. Yet through all of the times, Jesus taught me more of one simple truth: I am with you. What a beautiful, loaded statement.

And that's why I want to stay around for another year. Jesus has been kind to let me see some of the work he's doing here and in me. That is motivation enough to keep doing this weird little job.

If you feel so led, I would covet your prayers: for this summer as we lead a Bible study, as I raise support, and as I continue to be in Charlottesville and learn what that really means. I would also love your partnership by supporting me financially. In reality, everything I have is a gift. This is especially true of my job. I couldn't be here without the sweet generosity of friends and family. You can donate at

So, with that said, I will kindly thank you for reading and revisiting this little blog (and life?) of mine, and say cheers! to summer.


  1. hey libbie, i love the picture at the top! you r doing such good job. love, shelly

  2. Love the update. Love you. Praying.
